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For the majority of us, the spring of 2020 has meant new work routines as well as different ways of interacting. Along the positive sides of change comes also arisen emotions that most surely will set new attitudes. That’s why checking in on your staff and how they experience things at work right now is really key.
Just out of the blue, our every-day lives changed dramatically. One day we woke up and didn’t go to work, and for many of us, life won’t go back to normal again until fall comes knocking. Several organizations have, in one way or another, been forced to change their ways of working, communicating and socializing. Fundamental structures that usually are the backbone of work operations have pretty much evaporated and therefor it’s even more important to create sustainable work-conditions for everyone involved.

The importance of ongoing evaluations

“How are you doing?” “What project are you working on?” “Do you need a hand?” Questions, none out of the ordinary, that we casually used to ask at the coffee machine or across our desks are more of a rarity today. In the long run, this could potentially affect our sense of commitment, team spirit and productivity. In the light of these recent changes it’s more important now than ever, to ask fellow workers how they’re perceiving their current work situation. This way, dissatisfaction can quicker be discovered and therefore easier solved. And to state the obvious here, yearly employee surveys are quite frankly not going to cut it. Data from employees gathered from January can’t really be applicable in June, because the conditions have most likely changed.

The effects of the Corona pandemic will be testimonial why recurring surveys are crucial both when it comes to employees as well as employers. Especially in times when those human interactions that makes us enjoy and feel good at work are almost non-existent. Frequent personnel surveys can in real-time mode give you access to data which then can set the groundwork for proactive actions.

Three reasons why recurring employee surveys are more important now than ever

  1. The outcome of the Corona pandemic has most likely led to shifts and changes in people’s mindsets and attitudes. By frequently asking employees how they’re experiencing ongoing situations, there’s a better chance to alternate and improve for the greater good.

  2. Data gathered from a survey made by six months ago is probably not a reliable source hence the unpredicted changes to the previous work situations.

  3. By working remotely, the daily interactions disappear alongside with it. The casualty of discussion- and evaluation-forums perish, why a more structured way of working with these topics is necessary.