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Recurring surveys have many benefits. Whilst employees continuously share their opinions and experiences of the workplace, valuable information sips through which could set the ground for positive change. So forth establishing a sustainable and profitable organization.

Several companies of today have employee surveys implemented and it’s important that they systematically keep evaluating the physical, social and organizational work environment. In matter of fact, there are regulations set by the Law of Work Environment saying that workplaces must live up to a certain condition and standard. Most people are accustomed to these employee surveys being conducted once a year, but there are far many advantages to continuous evaluation of employees’ experience of the workplace – this can easily be done by recurring employee surveys.

Painting a more realistic picture

Recurring employee surveys are sent out once a week to the company, in the easiest way possible, following up on how their staff’s work experience is at the moment. Annual surveys can actually be misleading – perhaps you’ve just been involved in something that made an exceptional impact, positive as negative? Sense of community, stress, workload and support from managers and colleagues are everchanging and therefor it’s important to follow up on a weekly basis. That’s where these continuous employee surveys will come into play and provide a more realistic picture of the employees’ current work situation.

But it is not only managers and management who benefit from continuous employee surveys. It also sends signals to employees that everyone’s input is equally important, which in turn contributes to more of a commitment and transparency towards the organization. Statistics show that committed and satisfied employees perform better and this will by default increase the overall productivity. This proactive way of working through recurring employee surveys also makes it easier to prevent situations linked to psychosocial work environment such as stress and burnouts. All factors that can lead to reduced staff turnover, which in the long run contributes to a sustainable and profitable organization.

The four pros of recurring employee surveys

To sum it all up, you can say that recurring employee surveys valuable to all types of companies and organizations. No matter how many you are or for how long you’ve worked there. Let’s summarize the four pronounced benefits here

  1. Indicates that the employer takes the employees job situation seriously

  2. Employees may make their voice heard in a given forum in an anonymous manner

  3. It provides exclusive knowledge which could replace assumptions and provide support structural changes

  4. Generates pleasant, profitable and well-functioning workplace conditions