Talentech blog

A SMB approach to digital and secure HR Administration

Written by Helena Wahlberg Röhl | Jul 18, 2023 5:00:00 AM

There is much to be gained by integrating an HR system into daily work. It can both reduce costs, streamline your work processes and ensure high employee satisfaction. The earlier you get it implemented, the better it actually is.

Secure data handling, systematic information collection and well-founded process optimization are all important for an efficiently run company.

It will benefit you and your employees that there is security around the handling of data and that new solutions do not have to be found when the company starts to grow. It will also benefit you and your employees that the information is structured and integrated into a unified system that everyone can navigate with the access, options and restrictions that belong to the variously defined user roles. And then it will benefit you and your employees that the workflow, information exchange and employee well-being are evaluated, so that processes can be adjusted and made more efficient as needed.

"If you have control over your HR administration, you have a clear advantage over your competitors."

Productivity and security

Your HR administration must be GDPR-compliant, so that sensitive personal information is protected and handled correctly according to applicable legislation. It is important for small as well as large companies.

In fact, it is particularly important to be aware of in smaller companies. Here, the area of responsibility easily falls between several chairs. Perhaps the HR tasks are shared between several people who have varying methods, store important information in different places or have varying interpretations of the rules. Or the entire area ends up with the director or a department head who finds it difficult to find the time to properly familiarize themself with the material.

That's why it's good to have a system that can keep track of it for you. If you have it, you also have a system that can perform when you need it to. It will have a positive impact on your productivity, just as it will create security and satisfaction at work.

Investment in the future

HR is an area where it pays to give what it costs for a good system. Especially if the company's goal is to grow (and it most often is).

It can be tempting to get hold of a product that is cheaper and that promises what is required, but in a limited form and with fewer functions - but remember to think about the future as well. If you want to future-proof your HR administration, it is a better solution to post money in a system that has the capacity to handle many inputs from many sources and that has more resources than what you need right now.

“The more your company grows, the more experienced this HR system will become. And the more integrated it will become in operations.”

It's an investment in the future, and you'll be able to save money in the long run when you don't add unnecessary costs that you could have avoided from the start to your company's journey. There are advantages to having a system in place early instead of extra administrative tasks costing the company in the long run.

And not only that you can use it to handle, store and access necessary employee data when the need arises. You can also use it to track employee satisfaction, get feedback, get an overview of professional development in the organization, have overviews of salary development, professional development, employment contracts, contact persons, relatives, birthdays, and jubilees and much more.

Having all of this at your fingertips enables you to make well-informed and data-driven decisions. It will strengthen your management, benefit you and your employees and ultimately provide a better workplace and a stronger company.